
medicinal waters

The Center of Therapy, Art and Culture offers:

• Integral Psychoanalysis with Norberto Keppe School’s best psychoanalysts. Coordinated by psychoanalyst Claudia Pacheco, author of "Healing Through Consciousness - Theomania and Stress " is the first center of psycho-immunological support.
• Psychosomatic dentistry with Dr. Marcia Sgrinhelli and Dr. Heloisa Segurado, authors of the book, Odontology for the 3rd Millennium, and extensively trained in the U.S. and Europe
• Consulting specializing in Natural Medicine
• Physical actitivies such as Tai Chi, massage with Swedish professionals, dance therapy, crenotherapy, hydrotherapy, walks in the Atlantic Woods among others.
• Therapeutic immersion courses in the science of Analytical Trilogy
• International-level cultural and artistic events
This is the first center of psycho-immune support based in the Keppean method through the work of conscientization, which generates several benefits, such as:
• Relief of stress, depression, anguish and anxiety
• Improved disease prevention
• Accelerated healing
• Relief from chronic pain
• Improvement of personal and professional relationships
• Enhanced motivation and increase in productivity
• Advanced nutritional awareness through education and restorative organic diets
• Development of knowledge about supporting life styles and activities (including exercise)
• Enrichment of life through artistic, scientific and philosophical presentations
• Increased consciousness of psychosocial, ecological and spiritual issues






Design: Vanessa Fermino -