
medicinal waters


Altitude: 950 meters

Temperature: Medium Annual 19° C
Medium of the highest 26° C
Medium of the Minimum 10° C

Raining density: Annual Precipitation 1.503,8 m/m

Annual Insulation: 2.258 hours

Relative humidity: 72%

Municipal area: 250,00 Km ²

Population: approximately 13.000 habitants

Economic Base: Turism and agropecuária.

Localization: Localized in the South of Minas Gerais, a region denominated "Circuit of Waters" (Major World's Hydro-mineral Complex).

Geographic Position: 21°51’00” - South Latitude
45°17’50” - West Longitude
Meridian of Rio de Janeiro

Limits: Cities of Três Corações; Campanha; Lambari; Jesuânia and Conceição do Rio Verde

Climate: Cambuquira mountain climate of medium altitude is exceptional for the ones who suffer from pulmonary insufficiencies, respiratory diseases, dermatological and blood infirmities. The dry climate, without pollution has an exciting effect in the summer period and a relaxing one in the cold months.
In Cambuquira predominate the dry days with a medium humidity, classified to the patterns as the " Thermal well-being".
Points of Tourism:
- Water Park;
- Centauro Observatory;
- Serra do Piripau (free fall);
- Alto do Cruzeiro;
- Fazenda dos Anjos among others.

A Trip Back inTime
Going to Cambuquira is like traveling through a time machine, taking us to a Brazil (and a world) of 60 or 70 years ago, when society was not yet consumerist, stressed, violent and as alienating as the current one.
It is rather about living natural, human and humanistic values; it is about BEING, with no worries of any kind.
If we use the eyes of the spirit and intuition, we will see Tarsila do Amaral, Menoti del Pichia, Oswald de Andrade and many others walking by the place.
Origin of the Name Cambuquira
From Tupi Guarani Caà-ambyquira, Cambuquira means pumpkin buds or germs, used as a genuinely Brazilian delicacy
Cambuquira was a farm called Boa Vista, part of Campanha municipality, with its manor house located where Hotel São Francisco is found today. It belonged to three sisters: Ana, Joana and Francisca da Silva Gularte, who bequeathed their land to former slaves.

Design: Vanessa Fermino -